Sunday, October 12, 2008


Yeah, I've come back way before I said I was gonna be back, but with good reason !
I'm in mental hell !

To think straight, I've decided to sort my priorities/interests and make a list. Most important first and so on.
Short term priorities :
1. CA exam starting November 2nd.
4.Global financial crisis
7.My hair, I need a haircut.

Well, that's all I could come up with. But does that look right ?
Shouldn't family come first and friends definitely be higher on that list .. ?

Well, circumstances can certainly change a person's outlook and his choices in life. And I hope I can get my priorities straight in time, before I get sucked into this mess we've made for ourselves. It's called society :)

Here's what I think my list should look like :
2.God ( I missed him on my first list!)
5. Global events including exams (wink wink)

What does your list look like ?

1 comment:

Saffrondude said...

The first list doesn't look right.. Haircut before food?!?! It can't be that bad.. Music should be higher up too, so too Family :D :D